Thursday, 14 September 2017

Game of Words: View vs. Counter View 1.33



Entrance exams are essential towards the admission of a candidate to any institution or organization. The organization knows what it wants from the people under it and thus tests interested candidates on their eligibility.
Along with this, entrance tests are extremely helpful at screening candidates; it allows a simple and effective assessment so as to pick the right person.
Entrance tests also are a chance at redemption if candidates have previously scored low in other assessments. An entrance test however is not a sure method of selection but has been proven to be the most efficient and fairest form of selection. It gives everyone a chance to showcase their knowledge and levels the playing field as well as brings about a scope for new and promising talent.
Entrance exams have proven to bring about the most sincere and capable candidates, as they are quite stressful and require an amount of effort.
An added benefit is a feeling of self-confidence to those that clear such exams and rightly deserved. It also ensures a level of security to the selected bunch.
In conclusion, it is fair, efficient and eliminates the chance of giving excuses. Just like try outs are necessary for cultural and sport teams. Entrances are necessary to ensure quality.


           Entrance exams have been a traditional way of selecting candidates for colleges. They are efficient and systematic and make the whole procedure easier on the whole. Nowadays, almost all institutions and universities in India have their own entrance tests to check whether a student is qualified enough to gain a seat, they have various parts that cover certain subjects to certain extents and the knowledge of the candidate about these matters is what is taken under consideration.
          In simple words, an entrance exam is simply the procedure in which a student answers the given set of questions which are usually multiple choice based and if they make the required cut off and get sufficient answers right, they’re in. If they fail to do so then they simply do not get a chance. Personally, I think that this is a very unfair procedure to select worthy candidates. There are multiple students that have all the criteria required to be an all rounder or excel in a certain field but because they can’t clear a certain test, they may never get the opportunity to do so and will not be provided with the best kind of education or knowledge preferred by him.
            Besides this, it’s such an odd method to test someone on the very same subject that they want to join the college to learn about. Why ask people questions that they themselves are out here seeking the answers to? Nowadays, Quantitative Aptitude has become a basic necessity, people that want to pursue a course in design are still made to write tests on Quantitative Aptitude and other topics such as General Knowledge which makes no sense as how is this ever going to judge their creativity? And only if they clear this very first round do they get to show their actual artistic skills and this will always be beyond my understanding.
            Even though, entrance exams have their own benefits and make the seeding procedure much easier, it isn’t the most suitable way to be judging the students’ abilities to its fullest and in the best way. If this system must stay, I believe it should be highly modified in such a way that It tests candidates for only the required minimum abilities and questions that are related to the course in anyway. In this way it will not only be fair but completely suitable students may be obtained and even the level of their abilities can be assessed at its best.


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