Friday, 1 December 2017

Game of Words: View vs. Counter View 1.48


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 - Kishore Rao

The problem of stray dogs is a rising issue these days. Some of them were left by their owners; others grew up in the streets. It has become a menace and a nightmare for small kids, children and elderly to move without fear of dogs in the streets. If they are not killed, the number goes on increasing and the issue gets more and more out of control.

Also, spread of rabies and dog bites is another big and scary issue looming large before the society. The sheer number of stray dogs moving on streets is a big nuisance. They bark at each and everyone moving on the street. At night, they continuously bark and it is very difficult to sleep. Along with this, there are cases of stray dogs becoming mad.

I am in support of getting rid of stray dogs as the few dogs that escape capture and remain behind; attack these newcomers leading to frequent and prolonged dog-fights. Since they are not sterilized, all the dogs that escape capture continue to mate, leading to more fighting. While fighting dogs often accidentally redirect their aggression towards people passing by.

The removal of stray dogs cannot be effective in long term without the enforcement of laws and education of people. Long term strategy for prevention of increase in population of stray dogs and proper sterilization measures should be in place. Killing of stray is banned by the supreme court.

It’s better to not kill them and instead they can be sent to some place where dogs are taken care of. In this way they will not cause any further trouble to the society. The society can think of collecting funds from volunteers for the stray dogs, and a center for the stray dogs can be built. Also, another humane way of dealing with stray dogs to reduce number is by sterilizing dogs in a scientific way. This is found to be very effective in controlling the number of dog population. It helps in keeping the dog calm too.

Therefore, we should create awareness and empathy so that people do not abandon their pet dogs as stray dogs.  So, getting rid of stray dogs in my view is a good as it is for the betterment of the society.

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- Elizabeth Joseph

For every problem, there is a solution and it's not only getting rid of things. It's about dealing with the things that exist.

“The sea, the forest, the desert.”  It's our responsibility to take care of them since they are very much part of the ecosystem which implies they are crucial to us. It's part of nature. And no one has the right to defy nature. And by that it also means that we don't have the authority to take a life. Be it a life of an ant or a human.

So what we are facing today is completely going against nature. The injustice shown towards the survival of stray dogs. What makes the stray dogs different from domesticated ones? Are they both loyal? Yes.

The only difference is that the stray haven't been given proper care and attention and hence their instincts are not tamed. Also what's the reason behind getting rid of the stray? Is it the diseases that they spread? Well, Are stray dogs the only source of disease? No. Is it that they attack people? It's a natural instinct of any animal to attack when they feel vulnerable.

There are many cases where domesticated dogs have attached their masters. And it's just not dogs. Every animal has this instinct.

Also, we as humans should try to coexist with nature and adapt instead of modifying everything because going against nature has consequences and we don't want to step into that uncharted territory.

Therefore, it's not the question of the stray dogs that create the problem. But the stray thoughts of our mind. So when we change the way we think and look at things we'll find a way to live in peace with nature and stray dogs.

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