Tuesday, 11 September 2018

Game of Words: View vs Counter View 2.24

Should bottled water be banned?

Oil is a scarce resource and it is required to manufacture plastic.  Plastic is bottles are being thrown in public everywhere. The factories which manufacture these plastic bottles emit carbon into the atmosphere.
For a plastic to biodegrade it takes 1000 years and this means that every plastic that has ever been made still exists in one form or another.  Plastic cannot changed be into another form other than plastic and the only way of getting rid of plastic is through incineration. Only a few plastics are being incinerated
Degradation of plastic water bottles leads to the release of harmful chemicals into the environment. Reusing a plastic promotes bacterial growth.  This results in absorbing chemicals into the human body which poses a great risk to humanity. Therefore we need to get rid of plastics.
People are made to believe that tap water is harmful for consumption. It is a reality that the water bottling companies are using tap water to fill up their bottles. This is a great deception and this deception can be taken away if the bottles were not in existence anymore and people become aware. These are the reasons for telling bottled water should be banned.

- Glenn Furtado
- 1BBA ‘C’

Tap water contains unhealthy minerals especially in towns, tap water is polluted. Bottled water is a safer way of drinking water, and bottled water has added healthy vitamins and minerals that are needed for our bodies to work.
We should think of the homeless people who need water to drink during the cold season, where water fountains are turned off, and thus leaving people with no water to drink. Bottled water may be bad for the environment but think about how it might affect other people. Also, it’s cheap and is good if there is a natural disaster.
 Bottles can be recycled and therefore bottle is not. Everybody should take the onus on themselves to promote recycling of bottles rather than just throwing them into lakes, ocean or stream.
People prefer bottled water over a soda at a store. Bottled water is an alternative to sugary drinks and unhealthy sodas. It is so much more convenient because you can just grab it and go. Bottles are portable and thus makes it convenient plus you don’t have to wash it every time and that saves water.


- Aakash Ganta
- 1BBA ‘C’

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