Friday, 17 August 2018

Game of Words: View vs Counter View 2.06


The irony here is that we use money to buy food, clothes and so on and yet we are still not satisfied. The greed caused by the want for money is toxic and damaging. Man is a wanting animal and even as he reaches a certain level of wealth, he still remains dissatisfied, wanting more. Money causes spiritual damage and the mind is constantly racing, finding it harder to be at peace. People believe that money is directly proportional to happiness. There are many alternatives to money. Money causes family damage: many closely knit families have fallen apart due to this unnecessary evil. It causes jealousy and suspicion. If money was such a good thing then it would serve the people but instead, people serve it. Money can be a good thing but who's really in control? Exactly how much control do you have over your own life when all you do is serve pieces of paper and the system that relies on it?
Money determines social status. People with more money are treated in a better manner and perceived in a better way. This is the bitter truth. Children cannot chose the house they are born in, else they would be treated differently depending on the status of the house they are born in. If there was no money (such as in the case of communism), the lack of it would not adversely affect anyone. All the fears you refer to only exist because we need 'money' to buy things. However, if there was no money and resources were distributed freely and equally, there would be no need for petty cash or any liquid monetary equivalents. The desperation and greed caused by unlimited wants, unequal distribution of resources and a restrictive means (money) of getting anything would be nonexistent. Money is the ultimate cause of stress, frustration, anger, rage and thus all crime. 'Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely'[Lord Acton] Money is power.
Shreya 18SJCCB368

“Money is the root of all evil” A statement that could not be more incorrect. Not money itself, but the love for money is a problem. There’s a key distinction. Money itself is neither good nor evil. It is simply a medium of exchange. It is a way for people to trade. What you choose to use your money for may be good, evil or just a missed opportunity. You could use it to make sure your children eat a nutritionally balanced meal or to hire a hit man to take out your rivals. You could use it to help improve orphanages for extremely impoverished children or burn a lakh just for the fun of it. How you use that money is a reflection of who you are and what you value. Whether it is “good” or “evil” is as much your own judgment on how you spend money as it is a judgment passed on you by others who observe how you use it. When you see other people as merely things that can be exploited to improve your wealth accumulation, this is evil. Companies that consciously sell toys to children that are covered in lead-based paint are evil. Companies that consciously sell carcinogens for consumption without clear labels are evil. Individuals who exploit and steal from the defenseless are evil. In the end, it all comes back to your ethics and character. It takes a bad person to intentionally exploit others.
Without money there would be no development towards betterment. Money can be used for a good cause (donations). Money is not the root of all evil because certain wrong doings have nothing to do with money. Money represents positive values. Money is made by effort of muscle, willpower, and intellect. Money is the end product and acts as a motivating force.
Shraman 18SJCCB366

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