Should Sports club be made mandatory in schools and colleges?
Sports plays a vital role in an individual's life as they can build team spirit. They
help in developing mental and physical toughness. Participation in sports will
help a child’s physical and social skills. A balance should be maintained that
matches the child’s maturity, skills and their interests with their sports
participation. Sports offer a change in their monotony lives. The recreational
activities eliminate the unhealthy habits of the children that may lead them to
diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart disease, joint pains and
other serious diseases. When students are physically fit, they will achieve more
academically. Sports are greater source of recreation. Sports remove stress
and provide relaxation to our mind and body. In schools there are games and
sports but the criteria are unsatisfactory. Sports and games are optional in
schools and colleges. It should be made compulsory to every child to
participate in sports and games so that rather than bookish learning and
studies they should remain healthy and fit by participating in various types of
sports and games so that it may also benefit our country and promote our
country by producing young athletes.
Sports helps to learn to cope with success and failure as an individual and a
group. These interactions can greatly facilitate bonding which can help children
to be more sociable in the future career. Several researches have indicated
that children who participate in sports and physical activities are less likely to
move towards crimes. It inculcates discipline, confidence and above all builds
sportsmanship which is very essential where it helps to deal with winning and
losing with grace. Schools and colleges must provide supervised and
unsupervised sports in timetable and environment because supervised session
can be focused approach with the guidance from coaches in different sports.
Unsupervised sporting environment offers a choice of sports and frees them
from the rigid sporting structure.
Ashlin Cherian
Sports at schools and colleges should not be compulsory because it could be
better spent learning other subjects. It is also my belief that students have the
right to choose whether or not we do sports because we are allowed to choose
the subjects that are more important, so why are we not allowed to choose
whether or not we do sports. Every year P. E we do the same sports and drills.
After training we are usually tired and not bothered to do our home work or
study and again dragging down our academic results. If sports was optional,
the people participating in the teams would be the people that want to be
them, the people who want to play and win. But instead, there are people who
are not interested in the sport and our only there because they have to be,
these people dragged down the team and ruin the sport for those who want to
be there. If sport were made optional the school would seem better academic
and sports results. According to the education facilities one in five schools
continue to lack even adequate sporting facilities and if the facilities are not in
proper condition this may lead to injuries. Students who don’t have much
athletic abilities may not have the skills necessary to compete or even defend
themselves against better or more competitive athletes. Meritocracy should
not be decided on the basis of score of outdoor sports
Adithyan Kumar
Sports plays a vital role in an individual's life as they can build team spirit. They
help in developing mental and physical toughness. Participation in sports will
help a child’s physical and social skills. A balance should be maintained that
matches the child’s maturity, skills and their interests with their sports
participation. Sports offer a change in their monotony lives. The recreational
activities eliminate the unhealthy habits of the children that may lead them to
diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart disease, joint pains and
other serious diseases. When students are physically fit, they will achieve more
academically. Sports are greater source of recreation. Sports remove stress
and provide relaxation to our mind and body. In schools there are games and
sports but the criteria are unsatisfactory. Sports and games are optional in
schools and colleges. It should be made compulsory to every child to
participate in sports and games so that rather than bookish learning and
studies they should remain healthy and fit by participating in various types of
sports and games so that it may also benefit our country and promote our
country by producing young athletes.
Sports helps to learn to cope with success and failure as an individual and a
group. These interactions can greatly facilitate bonding which can help children
to be more sociable in the future career. Several researches have indicated
that children who participate in sports and physical activities are less likely to
move towards crimes. It inculcates discipline, confidence and above all builds
sportsmanship which is very essential where it helps to deal with winning and
losing with grace. Schools and colleges must provide supervised and
unsupervised sports in timetable and environment because supervised session
can be focused approach with the guidance from coaches in different sports.
Unsupervised sporting environment offers a choice of sports and frees them
from the rigid sporting structure.
Ashlin Cherian
Sports at schools and colleges should not be compulsory because it could be
better spent learning other subjects. It is also my belief that students have the
right to choose whether or not we do sports because we are allowed to choose
the subjects that are more important, so why are we not allowed to choose
whether or not we do sports. Every year P. E we do the same sports and drills.
After training we are usually tired and not bothered to do our home work or
study and again dragging down our academic results. If sports was optional,
the people participating in the teams would be the people that want to be
them, the people who want to play and win. But instead, there are people who
are not interested in the sport and our only there because they have to be,
these people dragged down the team and ruin the sport for those who want to
be there. If sport were made optional the school would seem better academic
and sports results. According to the education facilities one in five schools
continue to lack even adequate sporting facilities and if the facilities are not in
proper condition this may lead to injuries. Students who don’t have much
athletic abilities may not have the skills necessary to compete or even defend
themselves against better or more competitive athletes. Meritocracy should
not be decided on the basis of score of outdoor sports
Adithyan Kumar